Thursday, 22 December 2011

Creating a Weblogic Domain and starting OSB server. 11g

After successfully installing Weblogic server and OSB on it follow these steps to create the domain and start both the servers:

  • Click "Configuration Wizard" located in your start->programs menu.

  • You will get the following screen, where you have to choose "Create a new...":

  • On clicking next, you have to choose the deployable components of your domain. Use the following as a guideline:

(Note:- We are not choosing OWSM as that needs an RDBMS to be installed for the schemas. If you are having one RDBMS and want to use policy management, you can choose this)

  • Keep clicking next and give username, password etc. Until you face this error:

  •  Click "OK" and continue. On the next screen, choose all of the available items to configure:

  • Although we are interested in only the 3rd one, but choosing all will allow you to see what all things you can configure.
  • You can accept all the default settings except for this screen where you need to create a new Machine. Just click "Add" and accept the default values:

  • In the following screen, select the items in left pane and click the "-->" arrow to push them to the right pane.

  • Keep clicking "Next" and click "Create" on the last screen.
  • Once you are done with creating the domain, we need to start the server by clicking this:

  • Once you find the server running(by observing the console and finding out if the last printed line has "<RUNNING STATE>" in it), you need to start your OSB server.
  • Locate the following path in your system(where you have installed WLS and OSB, so it might be different in your system):

  • Spawn a command prompt and navigate to the path specified in the previous step.
  •   Now give the following command to start your osb server:
    startManagedWebLogic osb_server1 http://Ankur-PC:7001
    (Note:- The command is pretty helpful in nature, if you just type the command without the parameters, it hints you to what you should actually give as the other two parameters, and in fact the "http://ankur-pc:7001/" part will change in your system, which will be suggested by the command)

  • Done, thank you.

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